Project 'podlibre/castopod-host' was moved to 'adaures/castopod'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
changed milestone to %MVP
added Doing label
assigned to @yassine
assigned to @benjamin and unassigned @yassine
closed via commit 0e49ed40
removed Doing label
mentioned in commit 8e19abd4
mentioned in commit 9a5d5a15
mentioned in commit 011a3319
mentioned in commit f3d005b4
mentioned in commit 37efd31c
mentioned in commit 24bf214c
mentioned in commit f877172d
mentioned in commit d25aaf57
mentioned in commit 551f3eb6
mentioned in commit be8ec094
mentioned in commit e6f1f6fc
mentioned in commit eebab2a1
mentioned in commit a734b111
mentioned in commit a5d17024